Why It's Best to Start Laser Hair Removal Treatments in the Winter

Normally, you procrastinate. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? But when it comes to laser hair removal, the sooner you start, the better.
Even the most technologically advanced laser hair-removal system — such as the state-of-the-art Synchro REPLA:Y — requires a series of sessions with about a month of recovery time between those sessions. If you want silky legs for summer’s sun, set aside procrastination and book your first treatment while the blustery winter winds still blow.
At D'Allure Medspa in Dallas, Texas, our aesthetics team, led by founder Frank Batlle, MD, chose Synchro REPLA:Y to make laser hair removal easier and faster from areas such as the:
- Legs
- Arms
- Underarms
- Chest
- Back
- Face
- Neck
- Bikini area
Why you shouldn’t procrastinate and, instead, book a laser hair-removal session today? Here are the reasons why you need to start your Synchro REPLA:Y sessions now to get the results you want by summer.
You can’t get all the hairs at once
Your individual strands of hair are all at different stages of growth. The only time the laser’s energy can reach them is during a growth stage called the anagen phase. Hair follicles go through four phases of growth:
- Anagen — active growth (about 2-8 years)
- Catagen — beginning to detach from follicle (about two weeks)
- Telogen — rest (2-3 months)
- Exogen — shedding (about 50-100 per day)
Some of the hairs you have now are in their late stages. They may be on their way out or have already shed by the time you get your laser treatment. Once the hairs fall from the follicles in these stages, the follicles start to produce new hairs to replace them.
You can see, based on the above phases, that a number of new hairs enter the anagen phase every month. You must continue to have laser treatments until you’ve disrupted the follicles for virtually all of your hairs in the treatment area. That usually takes at least three months. If your hair is coarse, it may take longer.
Why REPLA:Y is the best choice
The Synchro REPLA:Y is the most advanced and fastest laser hair-removal system currently available. This system is equipped with the widest range of laser wavelengths, including Alexandrite, Nd:YAG, and pulsed lamp, which allows it to efficiently remove unwanted hair. Synchro REPLA:Y is also equipped with a special adapter so it can cover a large surface area.
The Synchro REPLA:Y is the fastest cosmetic laser in the world because it has the most powerful (125W) and fastest (5Hz) Alexandrite Laser. It also features an unrivalled Nd:YAG (180W) laser. Based on your needs, we choose from four different configurations:
- Excellium 3.4: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (180W)
- Excellium HP: Only Nd:YAG (180W)
- Premium 2.4.2: Alexandrite + Nd:YAG (70W)
- Premium 1.4.2: Only Alexandrite
It’s also the first laser to feature Moveo HR technology, which we use for small areas. The Moveo HR component gradually heats and destroys unwanted hairs. It’s the first Alexandrite laser that works at 5Hz with Moveo.
The 125W Alexandrite component is 25% more than any other laser available. We can also treat spots as small as 2.5 mm to as large as 24 mm.
You can hide your progress under clothing
If you start laser hair removal in late spring or early summer, you could still be hair-free by the end of summer. However, you’d have to continue to shave or otherwise hide those hairs that continue to grow, rest, or shed.
Another advantage to winter laser treatments is that you have the perfect excuse to hide your legs or other treated areas with clothing. The chillier weather means you can live with hairs in various states of removal and growth but cover them up with slacks, tights, or long skirts. You don’t even have to shave or wax.
Your skin gets other bonuses, too
As you might imagine, the REPLA:Y does more than simply remove hair like shaving or waxing does. Because the laser uses high-intensity light and energy, it actually exfoliates dead skin cells plus stimulates collagen production in your skin in any of the areas where you use it to remove hair.
Your skin isn’t just hair-free after you’ve completed your sessions. It’s also thicker, smoother, and healthier.
Resolve to be hair-free by summer by booking your first REPLA:Y laser hair-removal session today. Just call our helpful team or book your appointment online.
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